Kummer & Herrman // ART DIRECTION & DESIGN / Tokyo Tokyo
Publication for WassinkLundgren echoes the series of diptychs that depict the daily urban life of the inhabitants of Japan’s parks and houses, passersby and animals. Always twice, discarding the mythical ‘decisive moment’ of traditional documentary photography. Selected in Photo Eye’s The Best Books of 2010.
Tom Watt (Art Review) about ‘Tokyo Tokyo’: “But what makes WassinkLundgren’s books so good is the way they extend this collaboration to their designers, incorporating them as the third partner in the practice. As photography books continue their evolution away from straightforward commercially produced presentation vessels and towards self-published objects in themselves, WassinkLundgren may have found their ideal artform.”
Willem van Zoetendaal about ‘Tokyo Tokyo’: “An original concept by two young Dutch artists who make their own so called stereo photography by clicking at the same time, photographing the same person, object in the streets of Tokyo. More than 300 dyptics in a suburbly designed book by Kummer & Herrman. Nice size, very good printing, empty spaces varnished, good binding, smart, can be used in two ways from left to right or the other way around. Wow!”